Saturday, 3 December 2011


Assalamualaikum semua. 
Hoping the best for you guys to be in a pink of health.

Perkataan yokoso tu aku first time dengar waktu form 4. Sebab kawan aku dia ambil subjek jepun untuk bahasa asing, jadi dia ada dapat macam lebih kurang souvenir lah kut dari sensei diorang. Aku ambik arab (#sebab ibu ngan ayah suruh heheh walaupun aku nak ambik jepun).
those who don't know YOKOSO, please use Google Translate. #Thanks to Google for making life easier.

Sedikit pasal Jepun:-

Jepun atau dalam bahasa Jepunnya: 日本 (Nippon@Nihon) merupakan sebuah negara kepulauan di Asia Timur lah. It's located at south of Pacific Ocean, east of Japan Sea and her neighbours are Republic of China, Korea and Russia.

Jepun ni sebenarnye terdiri daripada jumlah pulau2 which in total are 6852 yang membentuk gugusan kepulauan. The main islands are Hokkaido, Honshu (the biggest one), Shikoku and lastly Kyushu. Dalam lebih kurang 97% wilayah daratan Jepun ni berada dekat ke-empat2 pulau ni lah :) Just so you know that the highest mountain in Japan is the Fujiyama which is actually an inactive volcano. In total, it is estimated that her citizens are 128 million which indirectly make the Japan becoming the 10th country in the world that has the most citizen in a country. TOKYO is like everyone has known already is the capital of Japan which holds the status of Metropolitan City. Dia juga ada satu term dipanggil sebagai Tokyo Raya which include the Tokyo and the other satellite cities surrounding tokyo which are occupied by 30 million people :)

Sebenarnya banyak lagi nak share tapi kan kalau banyak sangat tak best pulak orang nak bace. So, will be meeting you soon in the next entry perhaps kalau rajin hehe.

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