Friday, 16 December 2011

For what we know; Time & Tide wait for no men


It's not too long already that we will be leaving 2011. We soon will be saying Good Bye to 2011 and welcoming warmly 2012. Semoga sempat bertemu dengan tahun baru masihi insyaallah. Selalunya kita di awal tahun mesti pasang azam baru kan? Prior to enter the new year, let's revise back for what we have done all this year. For a year to come and go sekarang taklah selambat dulu saya kira. As we grow older, we get busy with life dak? Kalau sesiapa yang bekerja I guess you will have a better understanding of this what we call as Time Constraint. You masuk kerja pagi and paling awal balik mesti petang, or if there is something asking for you to stay back, malam lah jawabnya sampai rumah. All day long itu sahaja kerja. Dengan kerja yang bertimbun-timbun, masa 24 jam tu rasa seperti tak cukup. With the workloads, kita tak perasan pun masa berlalu begitu cepat. How time flies so fast. Year by year we pass through and we are getting older. Dulu muka terik sekarang dah ada kedut2, dulu rambut hitam sekarang ada uban. Let it happens naturally guys. Don't afraid of losing your beauty guys as the beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Kadang2 makin tua makin cantik orang kata :P

What most important for us to take note is that persediaan menghadapi mati. Harta dunia perlu dicari tapi mengingati mati juga is one thing bro because itu sesuatu benda ynag pasti terjadi. So, let's muhasabah diri masing2 kita selagi masih diberi kesempatan ini :)
For what we know that time and tide wait for no men.
Jangan kita menyesal di kemudian hari sudah :)


Unknown said...

tak sangak 2011 dah nak tggalkan ktew.. kjap jea masew berlalu...
done follow... follow me back

Anonymous said...

hmm..cptnye masa berlalu..dah nak 2012..ena nak 20 tahun dah tahun dpan..wah.. hurmm..taktahu masa depan cmne..doakan my stdy okeyh yea :) and for our life, hope berjalan dengan baik...
ea ke smkin tua smkin cntik?hihihii..sonoknye. :P

Mishter Izwän said...

da follow siniii...

lawa cwn polkadot tuhhhh feel free to visit and follow