Sunday, 27 November 2011



Erm bola bulat ke? Bukan sfera ke? Yang mana2 lah. Tapi kalau ikut sceince wise, it's a sphere I guess. Hehe. Saje je nak update sikit selepas tengok bola dekat kedai siam tadi. Tak habis pun, I have to go back home early. Nak siapkan kerja sikit. Esok nak kerja hari ni baru nak buatkan. Budaya Last Minute. Nanti akan dibincangkan in next entry ngehehe. Honestly, bukan Melayu je ada adat last minute2 ni ye. Kawan aku dari Africa pun cakap kat sana pun sama. It's global and worldwide kut. Hehe.
Just a moral lesson that we got after the match between Bahrain and Malaysia just now. At first we're leading and a chance to win the game is about to become brighter tapi itulah untung nasib kita ni sape tahu? At last milik Bahrain. Just so you know that, selagi ada masa there's nothing you can expect to win as the chances for each team to lead tue ada lagi. Hoping to win is one thing, to strive for it is another thing. Tapi, in overall our Harimau Muda is good enough in South East Asia region ni and I am proud of all the players-lah. Salute-lah! Kita yang menonton ni sorak and komplen je reti. Yang dekat padang tuh berpeluh sakan lari tak henti2. Diorang punya penat kita mana tahu kan, but I know what they did is to their fullest already.
Tapi in conclusion, hidup ni macam bola lah. Kadang2 ko sepak stret nak masuk gol dah, tapi bola tu melencong ke arah lain. Heading kuat sikit pun kadang2 xleh. Erk, apa aku cakap ni. Tiba2 rasa loser pulak. =(



As per stated on the title above, as for now I am clueless on how to start writing for an entry. Kadang2 idea nak menulis tu datang macam tengah2 nak iron baju, basuh baju takpun away dari laptop. Ingat nak lah jugak jot down dekat mana-mana kan kut2 tak ingat macam sekarang ni. #Macam semangat ayam pulak kan. Ngehehe. Tapi aku gaya kalau buat benda nak kena habiskan satu2. Kalau gosok baju, gosok sampai habis. Kalau mandi, biar syampu, sabun, gosok gigi, shave semua terus baru puas hati. Kalau makan pun, habiskan satu2. I will run to one after another. Ngehehe.
So, like what i have said earlier kalau takde idea nak menulis, memang takde idea betullah. So, saya bukak bloglist saya and I just read other bloggers entries. Some sort of habit dah. Memang I could stay like forever reading nice entries, tak rasa puas pun :)
Tapi kalau ada kerja you better control it lah heheh, kalau tak memang rasa kejap je masa berlalu kalau dok bace entri orang lain ni.
OK, I think that would be enough for an 'empty' content of my entry tonight. 
Salam :)

Saturday, 26 November 2011



Thank God for keep me stay alive up until now. I have lots of thing need to be achieved, still have a lot more to show to my parents and my family. Raindrops keep on pouring outside. I'm just finished  having dinner with the other housemates. Simple dish yet very mouth-watering lauk for us as anak bujang :) Bersederhana sahaja kami.
Tomorrow is a holiday for me due to Maal Hijrah. 
Salam Maal Hijrah untuk anda semua orang ya.
Bercakap pasal Maal Hijrah, do we really know what is the significance of celebrating it? is it just a solely holiday in Malaysia? or is there is any reasons beyond that?
I believe most of you did understand what is the MAAL HIJRAH all about. Tapi I do also expect some of us outside there tak tahu pun apa itu MAAL HIJRAH. Hidup zaman sekarang ni semua benda macam ni sapa lah nak ambil kisah sangat kan? Tahunya Maal Hijrah = CUTI. Cukuplah. Believe it or not, yang KEMERDEKAAN NEGARA MALAYSIA pun kalau kira benda paling senang sangat kau nak ingat, 31 OGOS 1957. Kemerdekaan ni rasanya budak2 lagi tahu as compared to MAAL HIJRAH, tapi saya ada tengok dulu dekat TV, bila tanya pada tahun tu, Malaysia dah lepas dari kekangan penjajah sudah berapa lame pun tergagap-gagap and tak tahu nak jawab. # kalau terdesak sangat, buat le simple math calculation. Congak2 sekejap. At least itu tidak menghampakanlah sangat dari awak cakap eh tak tahu lah kali ke berapa eh? Speaking nak cair aje, takkan lah simple math pun fail-kan? itu kacang sahaja :P
 So, possible lah kan kalau saya kata MAAL HIJRAH ni pun for a certain people they just don't give a damn. 

Tiba sahaja 1 Muharram, kita akan diingatkan dengan peristiwa of our beloved prophet, Muhammad SAW telah pun membuat satu keputusan untuk melakukan penghijrahan dari Kota Mekah Al-Mukarramah ke Madinah Al-Munawwarah. Penghijrahan membawa kepada penyebaran syiar islam dan penyatuan antara Kaum Ansar dan Muhajirin. In the past, penghijrahan pada dasarnya nampak sebagai satu penghijrahan secara fizikal sahaja namun pada zaman kita ini, penghijrahan itu masih practicable tapi in different views of perspectives. 
Penghijrahan luar dan dalam. Mungkin for a certain people yang baik, ingin menjadi lebih baik. Kalau dulu berseluar pendek, sekarang nak tutup semua yang terbukak. Kalau dulu, suka cakap yang bukan-bukan, sekarang nak gunakan lidah ke arah sesuatu yang bermanfaat. Kalau dulu berat 120 kg, sekarang nak jadi separuh je, kalau dulu solat tu lebih kurang je, larat sembahyang lah, kalau malas x buatlah, sekarang nak cukup 5 tu and nak tambah lagi yang sunat2 tu. Macam-macam. Lain orang, lain dia punya penghijrahan. Janji for your betterment and insyaallah pasangkan niat untuk menjadi Muslim dan Mukmin sejati.
 Dua nikmat dunia yang takde tara bandingnye :- Nikmat Iman dan nikmat Islam. Takde dua ni hidup di dunia ni seperti useless. Macam tebu, dah habis yang manis tu, nanti dibuang macam tu je hampas dia kan? Manis sekajap saje lepas tu useless. You enjoy sekejap dekat dunia ni, then you are no use in hereafter depan ALLAH. Mahu? Nauzubillah.
So,  berdoalah kita untuk dikekalkan dua nikmat terbesar itu sampai mati sebab ada orang Allah tarik balik tahu? Pernah dengar Lina Joy, Hasnah ? and banyak ramai lagi. It's impossible tahu untuk Allah tarik balik nikmat2 ini. Selingan sekejap. But the content is, let us change to be a better person in life.


Thursday, 24 November 2011

Kalau Boleh, Jangan lah Naik Motor.


Korang reti naik motor? Almost semua orang tahu kan?. Aku honestly reti naik motor tapi bila on the highway or any trunk road, aku takkan naik. I've watched on TV during  a talkshow saying that Kadar peratusan penunggang motorsikal untuk selamat atas jalan raya is nearly 0%. kosong.
Motorsikal as compared to other vehicles, dia paling kecik. Kita kecualikan basikal sebab basikal bukan kenderaan berlesen. Dan banyak aku dapat berita pasal kemalangan pun motorsikal. Arwah senior aku pun, he was riding the motorcycle after being hit by a lorry. It's happened to be last week baru the late arwah tinggalkan kita (18/11/2011). My officemate pun used to be hit masa dia tunggang motorsikal. Alhamdulillah he is alive tapi honestly dia cakap itu cukup menginsafkan dia. You know lah bergelut antara hidup dan mati, with the God blessing only you can survive. And just now, my coursemate has been hit by a car masa dia menunggang/membonceng motorsikal. Semoga dia selamat ya ALLAH, i beg you. He is admitted to ICU and still remain unconscious. Bring him alive for good ya allah.

To Bikers outside, tunggang-lah motor berhati-hati, You are prone to danger with the highest risk on road. Kita dah berhati-hati, orang lain pula yang cuai. Tapi, apa-apa pun, be aware of the surrounding. Kita tahu ajal maut tu Allah yang tentukan, sebab itu qada' dan qadar dia tapi at least kita ada cara untuk mengelakkan kemalangan berlaku sebagai langkah berjaga-jaga, Please3x, berhati-hati lah.


Assalamualaikum :)

Just finished performing solat Asar and now I'm listening to a song which relaxing my mind. Looking outside of my house. Dark and raindrops keep on pouring. Nothing much that I can do, monsun melanda di Terengganu. Biasalah tu, masa dia dah sampai. I'm already 21. Reaching to the end of 21. Dah besar dah pun. Ada kawan dah kahwin dah pun :)
Rasa baru sekejap tinggalkan sekolah menengah. Even now, I'm still talking about my former school and semangat alumni tu memang ada deep in myself. 
Up to this degree, I am considered adult and my circles sometimes surrounded by elders. So, as a younger one, I have to make a move and talking about mingle with people, the most important thing for me is your IMAGE. I'm not mentioning the appearance of you, the shirts that you wear, the shoes that you wear or anything else. 
What I mean is the ATTITUDE.
 I do observe to some people which I am not too close basically. Just observe and I am talking to myself alone. Sometimes, they just only talk without considering what the people might think of him/her. they just do the talking. Maybe they don't want to be a hypocrite? Define me the hypocrite as I am always confused of it? If you meet a new friend and you keep on chattering rubbish, some sort of hurting the new friend. And yes, it's because it is you. You always talk bullshit to people. Your words keep on hurting people. 
It is a hypocrite to you if you mind your manner?
 Please tell me as I don't know on how to differentiate the terms of  HYPOCRITE & ATTITUDE. You do make a joke telling a guy as KO DAH MEMANG AHLI NERAKA, KO BODOH, embarassing him in front of fellow friends, suruh itu suruh ini & even worse sometimes you can make a joke telling that kalau mati boleh pilih, you want to die stroke by lightning pada masa you cakap tu jugak, sebab orang tanya kenapa hisap rokok, itu macam mempercepatkan kematian sedangkan you can choose not to die because of the cigars? 
MY QUESTION IS : WHO ARE YOU? sampai cakap mengarut sangat.
 Is it so funny for you making jokes like that? why you want to hide isn't it as it IS YOU. what's worth being HYPOCRITE right?
but I just observe waiting for the time maybe boleh nasihatkan sikit. Semoga Allah bukakkan pintu hati agar kita semua gunakan lidah for our good, not to make ourselves bad to the people's eyes. It's a REFLECTION OF WHO YOU REALLY ARE. 

Just my 2 cents as an OBSERVER.

Monday, 21 November 2011

Penyakit ke Habit?

Assalamualaikum & Hi semua.

Kejap lagi Bola sepak antara Indonesia & Malaysia akan berlangsung. What to expect? Hehe, harap Malaysia menang-lah :)
Bukan benda tu yang nak aku bincangkan kat entri ni. Now I would like to talk about : Sombong, Bongkak & yang sama waktu dengannya tu penyakit ke habit? Ke ade term lain eh?
I just can't bear with certain people that I've met, keja nak sombong je. Tension tahu jumpa orang macam ni. Nak tegur2 je rasa mintak ubah perangai tu tapi dah kita ni bukan sesape lagi kan, tu yang jadi susah. Gaji besar pangkat tinggi mula la nak itu ini. BUT, not all the richer are like that, yang kerja tak seberapa pun ada kan? itu nak tahu penyakit ke ape. Tapi honestly, anda nak sombong buat apa? and nak sombong dekat sapa? I still remember, I met these two engineers which I know that they knew me already. I raised my hand,smiled and just about to say "Hello" tapi tak habis sempat jadi "Eyy" sebab yelah kita senyum bukan kemain, siap angkat tangan lagi tapi dia buat muka toya and tengok kita buat muka tak tahu je. Jumpa lagi and aku senyummmmmmmm, dia buat lagi. Pffft. Tak tahu nak cakap apa. Pastu nak mintak tolong kenal pulak. # Marah sungguh! 
Jangan pandang rendah sangat lah anda yang sombong2 ni because soon I will be joining you guys as well. 
Bila tengok the way they treat the subordinates and orang bawah rasa macam entahlah nak mencarut pun ada. Dengan orang tua pun tak respect sebab position dia lagi tinggi.
#Astaghfirullah. Kerek .
Aku orang yang takde apa2 ni lagi hanya boleh tengok and nasihat kat diri sendiri je when soon I'll be an engineer, tak perlu nak menyombong2 ni. Losing friends, and people respect you sebab you superior dia. Itu sahaja. Respect sebab terpaksa macam aku tengah buat sekarang ni. #Respect when dealing with kerja sahaja OK. I just don't find any ways to respect you.
Ingat, mati besok tinggi melambung sampai ke langit ke jawatan ko, pangkat ko and gaji ko. Benda tu takde nilai bila dah masuk kubur. Semua mati masuk dalam lubang tanah jugak. Ingat tu. Sapa kita nak sombong2 ni. 
Aku emo ni bukan sebab apa, bila tengok orang terpelajar yang berlagak sangat ni. Aku rasa menyampah. #Menyampah sungguh!

Sunday, 20 November 2011


Assalamualaikum @ Hello :)

Honestly, this is just my point of view as I'm telling all the readers prior to read my entry. Kut2-lah ada yang tak setuju ke nanti kan. Talking about politics in Malaysia, rasanya semua pun tahu kan yang if not by the end of this year or early next year we will be having an election again & I'm already eligible to ballot which party that deserve my vote. Up to now I'm still a Neutral-ist. Tak undikan tanggungjawab negara. Nak undi tak tahu yang mana. ==!
Tapi kan...
Perasan tak, nak dekat je pilihan raya maka banyak lah yang nak pancing undi. OK.
Semua orang pun tahu. #Stereotyping.
Nak undi mesti kena pancing. Sampai ada yang sanggup tanam tebu tepi bibir.
Lepas tu, another thing kalau dekat Malaysia ni mesti nak pinpoint masalah opposition, which is in general is good. Because you'll know what's your weaknesses. #inevitable.
Tapi kadang2, sebab sanggup nak jatuhkan parti lawan ada je issue yang kadang2 rasa muak dah nak dengar/layan. 
Eg: Kes Liwat DS Anwar Ibrahim.Berbulu telinga duk dengar tahu?
 And the other thing which I found so obvious is among Malays tu yang sakan dok kau kata kat aku, aku kata kat kau. Bagus sangatlah tu.
Sampaikan up to a certain degree surau masjid jadi dua. Surau hijau satu, surau biru satu. Kampungnye satu saje. Pastu, kalau sekampung sanggup tu tak bertegur sapa and ada siap buat fatwa lagi kalau mati besok, kalau undi PAS confirm masuk syurga. That's one thing. Lagi satu, dengar pun rasa macam eh dia ni biar betul. Siap cakap kalau mati, nanti bulan yang dekat PAS tu boleh menerangi kubur, kalau undi Dacing nanti jadi gelap kubur sebab Dacing kan Dark Blue. #I'm not saying I'm Pro UMNO or anti PAS here.
#Astaghfirullah. Come on people. I'm not talking rubbish, this is what I've heard and seen. you gotta be kidding kalau boleh jatuhkan hukum sape masuk syurga & neraka. Dekat Malaysia ni je ada PAS and UMNO ni. Jangan menjadi Jumud kerana taksub. Don't be too extremist.

Please don't bother too much pasal colour biru, hijau, merah semua tu. Itu semua kepentingan politik. Semua nak hak memerintah. I don't care who's running the country PROVIDED you're Muslim and bring the country for betterment. Kalau nak ikutkan dreamed party memerintah yang aku nak. Aku nak yang membangun secara ukhrawi and duniawi. So masing2 improvelah belah situ. Nak membangun tapi islam kat belakang. Bagus sangat lah tu.
Why are we wasting our time on criticizing you & me too much till we're preoccupied of what we've to do. Kita duk pum pam pum pam salahkan masing-masing. Semua nak menang. Tapi bangsa lain duk sibuk improvising their race.
Tengoklah ekonomi Malaysia siapa juara? Yang paling miskin siapa? #thinkwisely
Kalau sibuk duk kritik, taraf hidup naik okay le jugak. At least nampak lah hasil.
Maafkan saya kalau pandangan saya ini mengguris hati sesiapa. I'm 21, not too matured enough in politics BUT just so you know that ada orang macam saya pun berfikir exactly like me.

That's why people always say there is nothing to do with politics as it's good but it's the politician who are not doing it right.

Saturday, 19 November 2011


Assalamualaikum :)
 Just finished reading some nice entries dekat satu blog ni. Awesome!
Some of the entries talking about men and yes it does give me some reflection of who am I and what I am supposed to do. TO BE A BETTER MAN.
Talking about professions, many of us have their own dreams to be achieved and pursued. Ada yang nak jadi doctor-lah, nak jadi engineer-lah, nak jadi pramugara-lah (aku lettew. I was),
nak jadi accountant kire duit ribu-riban, jad itu jadi ini. Pokoknye, jadilah apa yang anda mahu jadi. Be who want you to be. Janji, it's Halal and baik di sisi Tuhan. Ok?
Income should be halal-lah sebab besok2 once you're married with some children. Takkan nak suap anak bini dengan benda2 yang bukan2 kan? It shouldn't be alright.
OK. Dari pembacaan tadi dalam kalangan Mak2 ni dia suke le kan bercerite pasal anak, pasal menantu die. Keja kat mana, gaji banyak mana. Tapi takpelah, dia takde sapa dah nak dibanggakan melainkan kejayaan anak2 dia and in-laws kan? Positive babeyh :)
So, biasa-nya mak2 ni memang ke mana2 pun akan bercerite pasal anak dia keja apa, menantu dia keja apa and this is from the reading lah. Mereka ni selalu nak yang macam ni :-

# Doctor

Ayy, siapa taknak bermenantukan Doktor kan? Sakit demam takde susah2 boleh mintak ubat free je. Doctor was my one of my ambition masa di sekolah dulu. Tapi tu lah Bio saya tak keren, so mimpi je lah nak pakai kot putih putih ittew :P
*** Teringat dekat satu peristiwa kat kampung. Akak tu punya-lah nak berbangga sebab dia kan nurse sanggup cakap kat orang2 tua dekat kampung yang gaji nurse lagi besauuu pada doktor punya. Emm, nama je kampung tapi orang semua tahu lah kak doktor is a much higher-paid salary and far way better than nurse. U lulus STPM, yang dia masuk Uni 5-6 tahun nak pecah otak belajar. So x payah nak berlagak sangat-lah kan. 

# Engineer

SLB nih = Schlumberger.
Semua orang tahu gaji besar bapak ni :) Mak2 berkenan le dapat engineer nak2 kaalu yang kerja ngan Oil & Gas. Tapi engineer lain pun laku jugak. Tak kisah engineer apa2 janji engineer :) I am admiring SLB so that's why I put this pic. Hopefully, I will be joining them soon. Pray for me fellas :)

# Pilot

Yaww, ini memang awesomee! My dormate masa dekat Faris dulu is also a pilot-to-be :)
Mana tak awesomenye, orang sibuk jam dengan trafik. Dia bawak besi ulang alik kat belah atas. Jealous sungguh! Ni macam aku yang suka bukan mak2 je kan. Ehehe. 

# Bussinessman

Drama Melayu, kalau businessman mesti nak kaya aje. Wang berjuta-juta. You should know some of the bussinessman pun bukan-lah kaya as per what you've watched on TV k. There are all stereo-typing :P

# Architect

Ini pun ye jugak. Tak tahu nak elaborate macam mana. Ehehe.

Act. there are some more jobs that are so famous among in-laws. Those above are the most typical one-lah. Sebenarnya, like I used to say, kerja lah bro nak kerja apa pun. jadik chef ke, photographer ke anything you want to be. Janji it's Halal :)
Different people have different concept of achievements :)
Hidup kita tak makan dek puji kan? So, why you bother :) You make money, satisfy yourself and your family. Cukup makan zahir dan batin. It's should be enough. Ukur baju di badan sendiri :)
My 2 cents.

Friday, 18 November 2011


Salam alaik to my bros and sistas.
Alhamdulillah just came back from having dinner with the other housemates outside. Petang tadi after solat jumaat sempat pergi beli barang rumah sekejap dekat Mesra Mall. Many thanks to Allah-lah sebab still giving me chance to bagi makan dekat diri ni walaupun aku ni absolutely not a good person, yet He still gives reminder for me not to forget that living in this temporary world, you better do good deed as much as you can. A bit astray perhaps. Maybe those sentence aku je yang faham. Huhu.

Back to the topic asal. Living in Kerteh is still new for me. So much to treasure here. Kadang-kadang you can't really tell any people there by looking at their appearance or looking sebab nampak macam pakcik biasa2 je, tapi rupa-rupanya senior engineer. Tengok muda lagi ingatkan budak sekolah tapi engineer. Ha cenggitu lah. Even kalau dekat kedai2 makan tu pun most of them orang oil and gas. Dah tempat dia kan, nak buat macam mana. Talking about experimenting life, I just nak ulas sebab I'm still new to Kerteh ni. Kadang2 makan dekat luar ni buat aku cuak jugak sebab I don't even know which kedai is economical for us lah. I'm telling you this because semua orang tahu yang kos sara hidup di area Paka and Kerteh is the highest at Terengganu. Orang minyak semua kat situ, mestilah orang berniaga nak kaut untung. Ni bukan saja nak mereka-reka cerita. I get the news before I come here and when I am here, people keep on telling the same thing. And, adalah jugak pernah kena. It's okay, kena sekali next time takyah datang lagi.

So, as for now we're doing experiment makan dahulu kedai mana2. If reasonable, then perhaps next time kami datang lagi. If not, perhaps itulah yang terakhir kali. In money wise,you have to be well-planned. Don't make it too free-flow. Tak sampai akhir bulan dah kering. Orang makan gaji ni, planning wise should be tip top la. 


I'm still in shocked

My senior back in SMSTMFP had passed away early this morning.

Semoga ALLAH mengangkat beliau berada di sisi-Nya bersama para mukminin and para solihin. I am astonished as well when hear the bad news as it sounds unbelievable, tapi itulah kita yang hidup ni patut tahu and I know that we already know about this yang Mati tu tak menjemput seseorang based on umur kita. The late arwah was one year older than me and itu sangat menginsafkan saya. Honestly speaking.

After habis belajar di Faris Petra, we don't really keep in touch for quite number of years until last two months (if I am not mistaken) , masa tu saya masih lagi di UTP. I accidentally jumpa di Facebook. FB really reconnect people and after awhile in FB, kami tukar2 number phone and tanya khabar. He was my abang dorm during my time in school. Both of us were in prefectorial board and he was the Head Boy of 2006. 
To be connected again after quite sometimes was very exciting but it's only about 2-3 months and now disconnected again. Insyaallah, I will keep on praying to arwah hopefully in this way we are REconnected back.

As a reminder for me la,kita ni benda pinjam. Benda pinjam ni sampai masa kita kena hantar pulang. Do appreciate those around you, in your circles, your friends and your family until for a certain  time, we are going to be returned back. And it's very certain.

P/S: Allah memanggil kita melalui 3 cara :
(1) Panggilan Solat
(2) Panggilan Haji
(3) Panggilan Mati.

Source : Al-Hidayah TV3 (18/11/2011)



Assalamualaikum semua.

Jumaat. 18/11/2011
One of my beloved seniors, Muhd Syahrul Yusof who was also my abang dorm for almost 2 years (2004-2005) till he was appointed to be the Head Boy at our school, SMS Tg Muhd Faris Petra on 2006 had just passed away this morning due to accident. 

Blog is not a place for the art of writing only but a place for sharing.

Semoga Arwah ditempatkan di sisi orang beriman dan semoga hikmah pulangnya beliau ke sisi Allah pada hari jumaat diperkenankan.


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Salam and Morning Peeps.

it's a Friday morning and I'm on my weekend ad :)
Okay, FYI. Every morning once I wake up biasalah mandi dulu, then solat after that I will prepare myself to off for work. Once done, while waiting for the housemates getting themselves done, I will browse through the blog spot looking for some latest news that's happening around us. And yes, sometimes what's going on outside there tu, I just do one click and I do know too :) 

And most of the time when I feel free, I will read nice and informative entries in the blog spot and believe me or not, it keeps dragging me to keep on reading for one after another. PREOCCUPIED. But, it's worth it as if you gain knowledge. I read the newspaper as well but to get in touch with the blog spot give me more satisfaction and understanding.
 E.g : Flood Disaster in Thai. I read about it in newspaper but only the statements with 1 and 2 pics posted (d/t space constraint I guess). But,in blog spot, you can expect more than that.

That headline make me to think of someone. You're what you read. Yes it is, PROVIDED you also need to ensure that it's a correct source for you to believe in. Don't take it blindly. And another thing is that, you guys know better I assume, living in a world of no boundaries ni, pandai-pandailah korang cari maklumat yang beneficial to you guys sebab internet kalau hitung2 balik ni banyak jugak benda buruk yang kita senang nak access. Is it a propaganda? Heheh. 

P/S : Kadang-kadang terfikir jugak macam mana nak diff. benda yang kita baca itu fakta atau auta. Ini Politics punya case-lah. For me kita bace je lah, then we interpet it ourselves. I'm not so into political matters. Politic is OK but they way politicians bring the issue tu I would honestly say, it's suck la. Pinpoint keburukan orang and nak2 Melayu sama Melayu. Haih. THIS IS NOTHING RATHER THAN JUST MY 2 CENTS. 

source of pics : FLICKR.

ESPIEM babeyh.

Salam and Hello to my readers.
Okay, sekarang Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia sedang ongoing kan? I just checked the schedule on the internet pasal SPM ni and the very last paper would be on 8th DEC 2011. Tapi, not to everyone-lah. Sape yang ambik particular subjek tu je lah kut. Okay, now I guess  all the candidates are concentrating much on revising their studies and yes, that's what you should do btw :) Up to this degree, you should be well-prepared and free from any stress.
I was once to be SPM candidate, back in the year 2007. Ambik 10 subjek and it's pure science stream. So, adalah subjek elektif like Add. Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Not too forget EST but this is an opt for you to take it or not. Tapi, in my school, we had to. 
Believe it or not, SPM ni aku fikir masa tu ko belah2 mana pun ko kena perform jugak sebab that's your future, Else you'll go nowhere. Hehe. Pemikiran aku le, erm pada hemat aku betul-lah tu ngehehe TAPI don't push so hard sangat sebab kalau tak , takut2 jadik depressed so you're not in your best condition to sit for the exam. SPM ni bukan-lah penamat of choosing the right track for your lives. Tapi, SPM juga bukan-lah sesuatu yang perlu diambil ringan ye adik2. SPM ni membuka laluan to those who want to pursue their tertiary studies in university either local or oversea. 
So, owing to that matter, buatlah yang sehabis baik yang adik-adik mampu ya.
These are some tips that I think will help those SPM-ers a bit :-

#Just dengar lagu2 je to ensure suasana yang kondusif untuk study. It's a no-no for you to watch TV till late at night. Pasang slow je just to ensure you're not getting sleepy.

# Banyakkan Solat Hajat and Recite the Quran.

# At night you better go to your bed early. Let your mind get enough rest for tomorrow. Get all things done prior to sleep btw. Slip exam and stationery.

# Jangan terlampau cuak as I know memang setiap paper tu kita akan cuak, nak2 takut soalan spot tak keluar as per expected kan? So lesson learnt, don't put ypur trust too much dgn soalan spot ni. 

# Don't ever discuss before masuk exam. Let you stay calm and ingat, you dah revise apa yang kawan2 bincangkan tu. Kalau you discuss lagi before masuk exam tu, if let say you terdengar term yang you rasa2 macam tak tahu, then u're getting nervous and lose your concerntration. Itu bahaya.

# Masa menjawab, read the question carefully. Tulisan kemas. Jalan kira clear. Jangan overconfident. Kalau ada masa lebih, re-check. Satu lagi, you jawan from the first page onwards kan? tak dapat jawab, go for the next and so on till you come again to the soalan yang xleh jawab for the second attempt. Bila rasa cuak, selawat banyak2 and if you feel like x dapat nak jawab--------> you ask for ALLAH to help and jawab lah apa2 yang you rasa macam pengawas tu nanti ada point for them to give you marks.

# Habis exam, don't discuss. Let bygone be bygone. You have tried your best. What past is the past. The only thing that you can do is Tawakkal.

# Lastly, after finishing all the papers. Keep going with the Solat Hajat agar Allah lembutkan hati examiners to mark your paper.  

To all SPM-ers, I wish you the best. More than the best for you guys. Good luck and Have faith in God that you can do it well. Ameen.

Thursday, 17 November 2011


Go Tiger! Tiger Bull-Leh!

Salam Semua and Hi!

Kurang lebih lagi 1 jam lebih (masa aku menulis entry ni), Skuad Kebangsaan Negara Bola Sepak kita akan bertemu dengan Skuad Garuda dalm SEA Games.
Okay, kebelakangan ni aku pun ada usha pasal pencapaian My Homeland, Malaysia di SEA Games and there is a thing that caught my eyes to keep on reading the news is when I read about how our contingent, Malaysia being treated with the Indonesian there. I just do not know why some Indonesians which I believe, a great nation, physically sama lebih kurang kita orang2 Malaysia, our skin and race is almost the same, coming from the same root tapi end up being not too friendly. I'm not saying all of Indonesians. So, bila match malam ni I am expecting our team would be facing some kind of 'torture'.Sort of. Not physically Insyaallah. But surely I know, contingent Malaysia takde hal-lah. Benda kecik je kan? Good luck guys over there. Make us here proud for you guys :)

So, we are Malaysians here would like to wish all our National Footballers, Harimau Malaya will be highly-motivated to face The Garudas and well-performed tonight. Play fairly and show to skeptical-minded Indonesians some lessons.
 Okay readers, Jangan jadi macam saya ya yang nampak a bit racist ke di sini? Huhu. I am not like that tapi bila dah kontinjen kita x dilayan dengan agak baik, I feel like Waddaheck! bro, takkan lah semua benda ko nak harass Malaysia. Sukan ni lambang Perpaduan kut, so be nice to all-lah. Jangan nak pilih bulu aje keja. 
You're the Host, please show us some good manner lah.

*** Teringat dekat kata-kata kawan masa Arwah Andy Jay Pereira, Medic Student yang mati ditetak dekat Indonesia tu. Sempat dia berseloroh, 'Kalau Kata Student Indoensia Mati ditetak orang Malaysia tu, Siaplah Nanti ada pulak Kempen Ganyang Malaysia lagi'. And possibly, it may happen as it has the probability.

Hitam Kuning 2x!

thanks to Google for these pictures :)

Tuesday, 15 November 2011


Salam Hai Anda Semua Orang.

Okay, today my topic is about the Milk, Toilet & I :)
Okay, korang pernah tak bila minum susu, sejam dua lepas tu ke,tak pun x sampai sejam lepas minum, korang rasa sakit perut dan membuang. Bila membuang pulak tu, rasa seperti kena cirit-birit???
Okay, this is my experience and I am experiencing it till now. Bilamana minum je susu, terus ke toilet. Paling latest, petang tadi dekat office ==!.
Okay, aku bukan nak cakap kotor la, that's the truth.
Aku memang suka minum susu. Prior to this, I was addicted to Green Tea, sanggup beli dekat Legend of Tea. Sekarang jus tomato. Susu pun sekarang consume jugak tapi tu lah, minum je mesti nak ke toilet. So, kadang-kadang rasa takut pun ada, sebab malam2 tengah syok tidur rasa x larat pulak nak ulang-alik ke toilet. Plus, bila dah terjaga belah malam, nak start tido balik tu susah. Okay kenapa aku cakap malam, sebab kan kat TV, before tidur nak minum air susu je. HAHAHA. Poyo ke macam tu? Ke mengada-ngada takde keja? Takpelah bro, yang penting pointnye, aku nak cakap minum le susu tu. Macam aku, I take Anlene yang range 19-50 years old.Baik untuk tulang. Muda muda macam ni lah nak jaga kesihatan, bila dah tua nanti harap-harap takde lah kena penyakit. InsyaAllah.
Back to the topic, so dah tadi minum susu,pastu x sampai setengah jam terpaksa keluar meeting nak pergi toilet. So, just now I have searched via internet ni pasal ni lah. Memang aku taip, 'Kenapa lepas minum susu sakit perut'. Banyak lah pasal ni and I have the answer that convincing me. Basically, aku ada mengalami masalah yang dikenali sebagai Lactose Intolerance. A situation whereby your body produce lack of Lactase (a type of enzyme) yang boleh memecahkan unsur Lactose yanga ada dalam susu dan hasil tenusu. 
But, I don't think I am a loner when dealing this matter. Ngehehe. Sebab? According to a study, more than 80% of Malaysians,happen to experience Lactose Intolerance nih. I just do not know why  most Malaysians experience this BUT up to this degree, I am satisfied for knowing what is the Lactose Intolerance and I am not alone Heheh. Perhaps you readers also pernah rasa benda nih???

Sunday, 13 November 2011


Salam Hai Semua.

Baru lepas makan nasi goreng dgn ayam BBQ tadi. 
Thanks to Amsya and other housemates, hidangan yang best untuk anak bujang :)
Kitorang masak sendiri kadang-kadang. Selalu aku part yang belakang-belakang tu, yang cuci pinggan lepas makan. Bukan taknak tolong masak, it's just that I am not a good cook. Ngehehe.
Today, I wanna talk more about the friendship, it doesn't matter either it is a long-distance or a close relationship, in which here I mean relationship = friendship. Okay, sure you guys have lotsa friends and ada yang kenal-kenal macam tu je, ada yang rapat sampai kalau ke satu tahap tak berkira mana and many more. To make a relationship is very good as if you're widening up your comfort zone and enlarging your circles of friends. But, please bear in mind, whenever you're creating a relationship, make it for good. Bukan sebab dia berharta or ada udang di sebalik batu la senang cerita.
Asam garam bila kita berhubungan dengan sesape je ni, mesti la ada masa keruhnya dak? tapi assume-lah it as a normal thing,is a trivial thing BUT provided both parties kena positively think that way sebab kalau sorang buat dek, sorang lagi duk drag the problem again and again, masalah jugek. Biasalah tu kan, lagikan lidah sendiri kita tergigit kan?. Hehe. 
Be tolerate, makna kata perhaps sometimes what do you think is not the same as the rest think. We have different minds, so we have our own way of judgement, way of thinking, way of acceptance and many more. Sebab tu lah group discussion is a far worth better than you do think by yourself alone because of the brainstorming leads to splendid ideas. So, kadang-kadang kenalah belajar menerima and follow the crowds whenever you think itu bukanlah satu masalah untuk you do follow theirs. Makna kata, kalau semua berpakat nak masak nasi goreng, janganlah you tetibe nak masak nasi lemak. Pastu protes taknak makan. Contohla. Maybe malam ni nasi goreng, pagi besok nasi lemak. Give and take brathha!
 And one more thing, bila berkawan strengthen it bro till you die lah kalau boleh. I don't exaggerate people. It's for real. Kalau you kenal dia masa sekolah, don't you ever forget them whenever you make new friends in your university life, and so on.
 Bila dah kerja pun, samalah jangan lupa dekat2 kawan yang kita pernah main guli bersama, main masak-masak bersama2, main dekat padang petang2. Percaya atau tidak, everyday in our lives, kita jumpa kawan baru. for almost people lah. You kawan dengan dia ni, kawan you bawak kawan dia. And borak2 gitu, then you and your friend's friend (Hahaha, nak jugak omputih) has befriended. That's how it's happened. 
Ingat lah bro, berkawan biar 1000, bercinta biar 1. Tapi I would say, berkawan pun pandai-pandai lah jangan sampai kita dipengaruhi ke arah yang x elok. 

Do you know or not, I have read this somewhere which I already forget the its source. But, I believe ini sahih punya. Ada 2 orang hamba Allah ni dia berkawan rapat masa usianya di dunia, and bila di akhiratnya. Salah sorang ( Si-A ) daripada mereka masuk syurga and the other unlucky guy ( Si-B) masuk neraka. So, bila Si-A ni nak masuk syurga, Si-B ni memanggil nama Si-A ni agar menolong dia agar tak dicampakkan ke neraka. (The way he call up the guy's name I don't know, it's beyond our reach). So, Si-A terhenti dekat pintu masuk syurga and taknak masuk. Dia mintak Allah campakkan dia ke neraka as well together with the Si-B. Tapi Allah dengan rahmat dia, masukkan unlucky guy to the syurga sebab melihat keakraban dua hamba-Nya itu. I have summarised the story, perhaps it doesn't look interesting for you to read but nak cakapnye keakraban depa berdua bring them syurga.

Jagalah juga hubungan kita sesame manusia, like what we used to hear before Hablu Minannas wa hablun minallah :)

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Metroseksual, Uberseksual And The Other G.

Salam alaik semua and Hi to every readers :)
Semalam while was browsing thru some other nice blogs, i'd read an entry regarding about uber, metro-sexual and what are the diff. between those two terms dgn gay-lity. In brief-la I will tell you what is the Metrosex. Most of you mesti dah tahu sebenarnye ni. Just for sharing je lah ni kiranya. 


# Passionate in terms of penjagaan diri,your appearance, kebersihan and kesihatan tubuh badan.

# sentiasa memikirkan penjagaan diri, masalah jerawat sana sini, masalah rambut gugur and ada lagi 2-3 benda.

# very obsess to your body. Investing money to your body for satisfaction of yourself and those around you tu kira berbaloi lah. Duit-duit untuk penampilan ni dia tak berkira mana.

Uber Guys :-

# Very passionate also but more towards the Aims and Principles. In which I would say, dia macam penampilan diri tu dia pentingkan jugak but not as important as the other target yang awal2 tu.

# Spending more time to think of something that is beneficiary such as on how to spread your business, how to stabilise your career and economy.

# Not too obsess of themselves but more sensual, like he doesn't need any compliments from others saying that he's looking gorgeous or sexy or whatsoever-lah.

# Keen and very interested to the business management, political issues and anything related to world matters and issues.

# High in masculinity

# Willing of investing money for capital to strategize the biz.

The  G

# You might know this already. it is their sexual orientation yang ada masalah kut. 

Tapi, nak cakapnye, dari pembacaan aku semalam. Those three terms tu xde banyak beza mana pun, a slight difference only. Makna kata, kita lelaki kena tahu wher do we belong to, jangan sampai kita terlajak masuk ke G-World. 
Kalau ada orang kata, buat apa nak jadi metro, uber apa semua tu. Benda tu bukan lah satu kewajipan pun, janji paling penting kita lelaki at least tahu lah jaga penampilan diri. It is not a must for you to be Uber, Metro sexual people tu. Tapi kalau kuku dah panjang tu, ptonglah, bulu ketiak tu jangan-lah disimpan lelame, misai kadang2 shave lah sikit, trim kasi cantik, sembur minyak wangi sikit-sikit, pakaian pun matche lebih kurang, gosok sikit. dah cukup dah . For at least anda disenangi orang la, nak masuk dekat xde la segan mana kalau nak berborak :)  kan? Im telling you this sebab kita lelaki kita tahu apa yang kita buat. Tapi above all, kalau ada duit lebih why not you spend some money for your look. It's worth it brathha!

Friday, 11 November 2011


Salam Hi
FYI, mesti ada yang kalau biasa bace blog aku macam Cik Ara hehehe pelik sebab dulu kire constantly update the entries at my blog, and then slow down until lansung takde satu pun enrty. Kira ada ON and OFF dia la. Satu benda yang aku nak bagitahu, aku blog for leisure and as a hobby basically, tapi kadang-kadang tu bila mana mood menulis x datang, nak menulis tu rasa berat @ tak pun bila tangan dah ready nak menulis tu, I just don't have any ideas on how to start typing for an entry. Ha macam tu lah sebenarnye. Hehe, Kalau aku dok bercerite sal kehidupan aku sangat aku rasa takde yang menarik mana pun sebab i'll be in office starting from Sunday-Thursday (Pantai Timur), balik2 tu dah penat kan, pastu kalau x makan dekat luar nak masak lagi (it takes time you know), lepas itu ini itu ini, tup tap tup tap, it's already the time for you to go and sleep. I am not that bz sebenarnye sebab ade je orang mampu buat satu entri at least per day, back to ourselves la kan. Tapi itu problem yang aku hadapi la. Ni macam weekend cenggini rajin la nak menaip tu pun sebab dah ubah2 templat, nampak okay semangat sikit. Ngehehe, tapi apa-apa pun aku harapkan semoga korang x bosan la nak bace entri aku which is not seberapa, back then i don't like to be comparative. Macam apsal dia 3 bulan dah ramai followers- itu mungkin sebab dia rajin updates and entry dia pun bernas kan, I'm not counting the number of followers sebab folllowers is something that fluctuating and ada orang follow kita sebab suruh follow dia balik or for some other purposes la. Saya x tuju dekat sapa2 ya. I respect my fellow bloggers you know :). Just my 2 cents only. Ngehehe. Tapi itulah, saja nak bagitahu korang kenapa aku kadang2 entri banyak x renti2 macam sekarang, pastu senyap takde kabar berite. I bet other bloggers also might face this problem as well. Any good suggestion guys for me to improve? Some tips perhaps Ngehehe.

Mr. Johny English.

Salam Hi anda semua orang 

You know Mr. Johny English? Hehe. Dia sememangnya lawak on the screen and I do not know much about his private life till I read an entry about him dekat belog Akustressgiler, which you can find it dekat INFORMATIVE side of my blog. If you are interested to know more la, tapi serious best la banyak benda ko akan tahu.

Okay, now i'm telling you this. Here is the detail of Mr. JE.
Name : Mr. Rowan Sebastian Atkinson (I bet you guys know already about this)
Spouse : Sunetra Sastry
Son : Benjamin Atkinson
Daughter :  Lily Atkinson
POB :  Newcastle
DOB : 09th January 1955

Here you go some pics of Mr. JE

Credit to : INFORMATIVE @ Akustress.blogspot