Salam Hai Semua.
Baru lepas makan nasi goreng dgn ayam BBQ tadi.
Thanks to Amsya and other housemates, hidangan yang best untuk anak bujang :)
Kitorang masak sendiri kadang-kadang. Selalu aku part yang belakang-belakang tu, yang cuci pinggan lepas makan. Bukan taknak tolong masak, it's just that I am not a good cook. Ngehehe.
Today, I wanna talk more about the friendship, it doesn't matter either it is a long-distance or a close relationship, in which here I mean relationship = friendship. Okay, sure you guys have lotsa friends and ada yang kenal-kenal macam tu je, ada yang rapat sampai kalau ke satu tahap tak berkira mana and many more. To make a relationship is very good as if you're widening up your comfort zone and enlarging your circles of friends. But, please bear in mind, whenever you're creating a relationship, make it for good. Bukan sebab dia berharta or ada udang di sebalik batu la senang cerita.
Asam garam bila kita berhubungan dengan sesape je ni, mesti la ada masa keruhnya dak? tapi assume-lah it as a normal thing,is a trivial thing BUT provided both parties kena positively think that way sebab kalau sorang buat dek, sorang lagi duk drag the problem again and again, masalah jugek. Biasalah tu kan, lagikan lidah sendiri kita tergigit kan?. Hehe.
Be tolerate, makna kata perhaps sometimes what do you think is not the same as the rest think. We have different minds, so we have our own way of judgement, way of thinking, way of acceptance and many more. Sebab tu lah group discussion is a far worth better than you do think by yourself alone because of the brainstorming leads to splendid ideas. So, kadang-kadang kenalah belajar menerima and follow the crowds whenever you think itu bukanlah satu masalah untuk you do follow theirs. Makna kata, kalau semua berpakat nak masak nasi goreng, janganlah you tetibe nak masak nasi lemak. Pastu protes taknak makan. Contohla. Maybe malam ni nasi goreng, pagi besok nasi lemak. Give and take brathha!
And one more thing, bila berkawan strengthen it bro till you die lah kalau boleh. I don't exaggerate people. It's for real. Kalau you kenal dia masa sekolah, don't you ever forget them whenever you make new friends in your university life, and so on.
Bila dah kerja pun, samalah jangan lupa dekat2 kawan yang kita pernah main guli bersama, main masak-masak bersama2, main dekat padang petang2. Percaya atau tidak, everyday in our lives, kita jumpa kawan baru. for almost people lah. You kawan dengan dia ni, kawan you bawak kawan dia. And borak2 gitu, then you and your friend's friend (Hahaha, nak jugak omputih) has befriended. That's how it's happened.
Ingat lah bro, berkawan biar 1000, bercinta biar 1. Tapi I would say, berkawan pun pandai-pandai lah jangan sampai kita dipengaruhi ke arah yang x elok.

Do you know or not, I have read this somewhere which I already forget the its source. But, I believe ini sahih punya. Ada 2 orang hamba Allah ni dia berkawan rapat masa usianya di dunia, and bila di akhiratnya. Salah sorang ( Si-A ) daripada mereka masuk syurga and the other unlucky guy ( Si-B) masuk neraka. So, bila Si-A ni nak masuk syurga, Si-B ni memanggil nama Si-A ni agar menolong dia agar tak dicampakkan ke neraka. (The way he call up the guy's name I don't know, it's beyond our reach). So, Si-A terhenti dekat pintu masuk syurga and taknak masuk. Dia mintak Allah campakkan dia ke neraka as well together with the Si-B. Tapi Allah dengan rahmat dia, masukkan unlucky guy to the syurga sebab melihat keakraban dua hamba-Nya itu. I have summarised the story, perhaps it doesn't look interesting for you to read but nak cakapnye keakraban depa berdua bring them syurga.
Jagalah juga hubungan kita sesame manusia, like what we used to hear before Hablu Minannas wa hablun minallah :)