Salam Semua and Hi!
Kurang lebih lagi 1 jam lebih (masa aku menulis entry ni), Skuad Kebangsaan Negara Bola Sepak kita akan bertemu dengan Skuad Garuda dalm SEA Games.
Okay, kebelakangan ni aku pun ada usha pasal pencapaian My Homeland, Malaysia di SEA Games and there is a thing that caught my eyes to keep on reading the news is when I read about how our contingent, Malaysia being treated with the Indonesian there. I just do not know why some Indonesians which I believe, a great nation, physically sama lebih kurang kita orang2 Malaysia, our skin and race is almost the same, coming from the same root tapi end up being not too friendly. I'm not saying all of Indonesians. So, bila match malam ni I am expecting our team would be facing some kind of 'torture'.Sort of. Not physically Insyaallah. But surely I know, contingent Malaysia takde hal-lah. Benda kecik je kan? Good luck guys over there. Make us here proud for you guys :)
So, we are Malaysians here would like to wish all our National Footballers, Harimau Malaya will be highly-motivated to face The Garudas and well-performed tonight. Play fairly and show to skeptical-minded Indonesians some lessons.
Okay readers, Jangan jadi macam saya ya yang nampak a bit racist ke di sini? Huhu. I am not like that tapi bila dah kontinjen kita x dilayan dengan agak baik, I feel like Waddaheck! bro, takkan lah semua benda ko nak harass Malaysia. Sukan ni lambang Perpaduan kut, so be nice to all-lah. Jangan nak pilih bulu aje keja.
You're the Host, please show us some good manner lah.
*** Teringat dekat kata-kata kawan masa Arwah Andy Jay Pereira, Medic Student yang mati ditetak dekat Indonesia tu. Sempat dia berseloroh, 'Kalau Kata Student Indoensia Mati ditetak orang Malaysia tu, Siaplah Nanti ada pulak Kempen Ganyang Malaysia lagi'. And possibly, it may happen as it has the probability.
Hitam Kuning 2x!
thanks to Google for these pictures :)
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