Friday, 11 November 2011


Salam Hi
FYI, mesti ada yang kalau biasa bace blog aku macam Cik Ara hehehe pelik sebab dulu kire constantly update the entries at my blog, and then slow down until lansung takde satu pun enrty. Kira ada ON and OFF dia la. Satu benda yang aku nak bagitahu, aku blog for leisure and as a hobby basically, tapi kadang-kadang tu bila mana mood menulis x datang, nak menulis tu rasa berat @ tak pun bila tangan dah ready nak menulis tu, I just don't have any ideas on how to start typing for an entry. Ha macam tu lah sebenarnye. Hehe, Kalau aku dok bercerite sal kehidupan aku sangat aku rasa takde yang menarik mana pun sebab i'll be in office starting from Sunday-Thursday (Pantai Timur), balik2 tu dah penat kan, pastu kalau x makan dekat luar nak masak lagi (it takes time you know), lepas itu ini itu ini, tup tap tup tap, it's already the time for you to go and sleep. I am not that bz sebenarnye sebab ade je orang mampu buat satu entri at least per day, back to ourselves la kan. Tapi itu problem yang aku hadapi la. Ni macam weekend cenggini rajin la nak menaip tu pun sebab dah ubah2 templat, nampak okay semangat sikit. Ngehehe, tapi apa-apa pun aku harapkan semoga korang x bosan la nak bace entri aku which is not seberapa, back then i don't like to be comparative. Macam apsal dia 3 bulan dah ramai followers- itu mungkin sebab dia rajin updates and entry dia pun bernas kan, I'm not counting the number of followers sebab folllowers is something that fluctuating and ada orang follow kita sebab suruh follow dia balik or for some other purposes la. Saya x tuju dekat sapa2 ya. I respect my fellow bloggers you know :). Just my 2 cents only. Ngehehe. Tapi itulah, saja nak bagitahu korang kenapa aku kadang2 entri banyak x renti2 macam sekarang, pastu senyap takde kabar berite. I bet other bloggers also might face this problem as well. Any good suggestion guys for me to improve? Some tips perhaps Ngehehe.

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