Saturday, 12 November 2011

Metroseksual, Uberseksual And The Other G.

Salam alaik semua and Hi to every readers :)
Semalam while was browsing thru some other nice blogs, i'd read an entry regarding about uber, metro-sexual and what are the diff. between those two terms dgn gay-lity. In brief-la I will tell you what is the Metrosex. Most of you mesti dah tahu sebenarnye ni. Just for sharing je lah ni kiranya. 


# Passionate in terms of penjagaan diri,your appearance, kebersihan and kesihatan tubuh badan.

# sentiasa memikirkan penjagaan diri, masalah jerawat sana sini, masalah rambut gugur and ada lagi 2-3 benda.

# very obsess to your body. Investing money to your body for satisfaction of yourself and those around you tu kira berbaloi lah. Duit-duit untuk penampilan ni dia tak berkira mana.

Uber Guys :-

# Very passionate also but more towards the Aims and Principles. In which I would say, dia macam penampilan diri tu dia pentingkan jugak but not as important as the other target yang awal2 tu.

# Spending more time to think of something that is beneficiary such as on how to spread your business, how to stabilise your career and economy.

# Not too obsess of themselves but more sensual, like he doesn't need any compliments from others saying that he's looking gorgeous or sexy or whatsoever-lah.

# Keen and very interested to the business management, political issues and anything related to world matters and issues.

# High in masculinity

# Willing of investing money for capital to strategize the biz.

The  G

# You might know this already. it is their sexual orientation yang ada masalah kut. 

Tapi, nak cakapnye, dari pembacaan aku semalam. Those three terms tu xde banyak beza mana pun, a slight difference only. Makna kata, kita lelaki kena tahu wher do we belong to, jangan sampai kita terlajak masuk ke G-World. 
Kalau ada orang kata, buat apa nak jadi metro, uber apa semua tu. Benda tu bukan lah satu kewajipan pun, janji paling penting kita lelaki at least tahu lah jaga penampilan diri. It is not a must for you to be Uber, Metro sexual people tu. Tapi kalau kuku dah panjang tu, ptonglah, bulu ketiak tu jangan-lah disimpan lelame, misai kadang2 shave lah sikit, trim kasi cantik, sembur minyak wangi sikit-sikit, pakaian pun matche lebih kurang, gosok sikit. dah cukup dah . For at least anda disenangi orang la, nak masuk dekat xde la segan mana kalau nak berborak :)  kan? Im telling you this sebab kita lelaki kita tahu apa yang kita buat. Tapi above all, kalau ada duit lebih why not you spend some money for your look. It's worth it brathha!

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